The Proper Way to Floss Your Child’s Teeth

It’s important to start oral hygiene at an early age. Learning good oral hygiene habits at a young age can help provide beneficial and successful results in the long run. You can teach your child how to properly care for their smile by caring for their teeth and gums each day. Dr. and our team… Read more »

Fluoride and Your Kids

As parents, we want to do as much as we can to ensure the good health of our children. And oral health is an important element of overall wellness. Although kids’ primary teeth are only temporary, keeping them strong can have ramifications for years down the road. Regular fluoride treatment is one great way to… Read more »

How to Fight Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Did you know that your child is prone to tooth decay? Well, it’s true. It’s called baby bottle tooth decay, and it’s a common dental problem found in many children’s smiles. Generally, the cause of this issue is the prolonged exposure to sugary drinks, and it usually causes major oral health issues, like poor eating… Read more »

Pediatric Dentistry: Tips to a Successful Dental Appointment

If your child has a hard time being in the dental chair at , Dr. and our team has some tips that might help your child finally have a successful dental appointment! Those tips are: Bring your child in at the right time It’s best to bring your child in for their appointment at a… Read more »