Smart Tooth Brushing Tips for Your Child During Coming the School Year

School is starting and the back-to-school season promises a whirlwind of activities on the horizon. Your child will spend a good chunk of their time away from home between classes, sports and other extracurricular activities on top of homework! Your child will have a lot on their mind, and our goal is to help you... Read more »

Learn How You Can Keep Baby Bottle Tooth Decay From Harming Your Child’s Teeth

Your baby’s teeth coming in is a sweet milestone that marks the growth of their smile. Even though these baby teeth (primary teeth) are tiny, they’re vital to your child’s developing oral structure. Baby teeth hold those spots for their permanent adult teeth to come in years later, pushing out their baby teeth for the... Read more »

Providing Healthy Summer Foods and Drinks Can Give Your Child Stronger Teeth!

If you want to help your child develop and keep their oral health strong, you’ll want to have them brush and floss but also consume healthy foods and drinks. As they grow, help them have proper jaw growth, strengthen and remineralize their chompers and stay hydrated to keep their mouth and saliva healthier. Today we’re... Read more »

What You Should Know About Your Baby’s Growing Smile During Pregnancy and After Birth

Keeping Your Child’s Smile Safe This Summer Is Easier Than Ever With These Protective Tips!

With the weather getting warmer and the days getting longer, your child is likely looking forward to spending more time enjoying the great outdoors. If so, sunscreen and mosquito repellant are not the only protection they may need. Their smile is vulnerable to the sports they play and the summer treats they indulge in. Here... Read more »

Keep Your Child’s Smile Healthy With Routine Dental Cleanings and Exams

As a parent, you might wonder why dental checkups are important since your young child will eventually lose their baby teeth. But tooth decay is bad for your child, even if the tooth with a cavity falls out on its own. Your child’s oral health affects their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Tooth decay is... Read more »

From Infant to Young Adult: Your Child’s Teething Stages and Erupting Adult Teeth

One of the most common questions we hear from parents is concerns about their baby’s teething timeline. As a general rule, teething begins at about 6 to 10 months old and lasts until around 25 to 33 months. Then every two to four months, a set of two new teeth come in. Toddlers will typically... Read more »

This National Children’s Dental Health Month, Learn How Dental Sealants Can Protect Your Child’s Developing Smile

February heralds the annual American Dental Association’s (ADA) National Children’s Dental Health Month! Designed to raise awareness for optimal oral health in children, the NCDHM has been helping millions of families across the country. They are promoting better oral health with the theme, “Sealants Make Sense” this year. The goal of the ADA is to... Read more »

Why Your Child Might Need a Dental Crown for a Primary Tooth

Helping your child have a healthy smile is crucial for teeth that will last their whole life. As they grow, their primary teeth are replaced by permanent ones. Since baby teeth will eventually fall out, what should you do if our dentist says your child needs a dental crown? Why would baby teeth need a... Read more »

This Holiday Season, Give Your Child the Gift of a Healthy Smile!

Our pediatric dental team loves helping parents give their children the best possible start to a lifetime of good oral health. The holiday season is a great time to boost your child’s dental health. Why not give them the gift of a healthy smile, so their developing smile prospers while they grow? It will minimize... Read more »